Are you feeling the anxiety and stress of being cooped up in your home day in and day out?
Well, we talked to leading Doctors to find out the best methods to beat the anxiety and stress and feel great again!
For most of us we have been cooped up in our homes for at least 2 weeks. Isolated from friends and family not living in the same home. We long to see our love ones but want to do our part and not spread COVD19, so we stay home.
Many of us have gained weight, become lethargic and have just out right given up on looking our best. We say “Well I can’t go out, so who cares how I look.”. But heading down that road isn’t a good idea.
Currently there are over over 1.7 Million cases of confirmed COVD19 cases world-wide with no end in sight. The lock-downs can be extended over and over. So it is so important to start getting into a positive mind set and taking care of your needs and wants.
This looming never ending lock down has caused many of us to feel intense anxiety and stress. Living in fear of contracting the Corona Virus or worse spreading it to others. Indeed these are very stress filled times.
Luckily, we at have spoken to several medical professionals to get their take on how we can beat the anxiety and stress. Because it is so important to be as healthy as we possibly can right now.
Boost Your Immune System – Do What Feels Good
Yes. You read that correctly! The more stress and anxiety you feel the weaker your immune system could get.
“Stress is like an acid.” Said Dr. Rouche of NH Medical Center. “It eats at you day in and day out. We must learn what we as an individual must do to relieve that acidic condition.” She continued.
“Some people like to go for walks, some like to lift weights and some like to shop. Sex too is a big one. What matters is that you find your stress reliever and do it.”
This may partly explain the enormous influx of “feel good” purchases made in the last few weeks. Many are purchasing instruments, self help books and beauty products. It is because it feels good.
Take a Break From Your Job But Keep Doing Your Daily Routine
Work causes stress. No arguments there. Most of us have been laid-off, furloughed, or have had our work hours reduced… That’s a good thing right now. Imagine the overwhelming stress we would all be experiencing if we had to somehow balance a world pandemic and the stress from work at the same time.
Most essential workers are experiencing that right now and it isn’t easy. We spoke to Christine Harris, an EMT/Paramedic in New Orleans. She said “Right now, I’m overloaded. We are so busy day and night. It’s our duty and we love our work, but we too have families and loved ones, so please stay inside and help us out.”
That’s a very powerful message there. We need to step up and do our part and stay inside. Ms. Harris explained to us the importance of not only staying home, but the importance of not giving up our daily routine.
“It’s healthy for us to keep a positive attitude and to keep going. We all have a routine when it comes to our healths. Keep washing your hands, taking care of yourself and being healthy.”
We asked her what she still does that we would find surprising. She said with a sly smile “I actually still do my makeup every morning and my anti-aging night cream. My husband asked me why and I said because its what I have been doing for years and no Pandemic is going to give me crow’s feet.” She said with a laugh.
Lesson learned. We have become accustomed to our daily routines and to stop doing the little things that make us happy and feel good is truly a mistake.
We are All Beautiful Wonderful People Who Are Worthy of More
Never forget that!
A positive healthy attitude can save your life right now. So think positive thoughts and do positive things. Why not try meditation, yoga or even some simple stretching exercise while thinking positive thoughts. You could even put your favorite music on and just relax and listen. Be happy! Keep telling yourself positive mantras.
Nothing is worse than being negative and giving up. If you let yourself go during these hard times and just stop caring you could be affecting your health negatively. Remember now is the time to do what feels good for yourself. Don’t panic we will all get threw this so stay positive and spend sometime better yourself in anyway you feel.
Remember you are worth it.