In medical terminology, growth hormone (human growth hormone) is basically a protein hormone, secreted by the pituitary gland that primarily stimulates cell reproduction and growth within our bodies. Originally, the growth hormones are extracted from pituitary glands of healthy individuals or the deceased, to be transferred to children who are growth deficient. Today, they are produced artificially and given to children and adults for various health-related purposes.
HGH injections
With HGH, injections are delivered to the muscle. HGH injections are only approved by a certified government agency for use in a few serious conditions. HGH injections are only necessary if you have a serious lack or underlying medical condition. HGH can be dangerous if it is not obtained from your doctor and a legal source.
HGH supplements
For most people, it may be a better alternative. With HGH supplements, you take artificial HGH in its entirety. The HGH supplements have been developed scientifically with a combination of natural ingredients that help your body increase the production of HGH naturally. It is much cheaper and certainly safer than using HGH injections. There are a large number of manufacturers of HGH supplements in the market.
Human Growth Hormone can effectively help older men maintain muscle mass and energy levels, as this is something usually applied by bodybuilders due to its contribution in the volume and strength that it can provide. The use of this natural protein that promotes cell duplication has an anabolic effect that involves the increase of muscle cells and improves their function.
This hormone contributes greatly to faster growth of cells in the body and enhances the speed of cell division. A very clear example in which this hormone can help us gain and maintain muscle mass is that it increases the speed at which amino acids cross cell membranes, in addition to the speed at which they transform them into proteins.
It also helps in fat loss, as it makes the cells less prone to use carbohydrates and more likely to use fats as energy, this together with the above, allows us to gain muscle mass while losing fat.
This hormone is secreted while we sleep in certain rhythmic pulses, so getting a long and restful sleep every night is very important to secrete a good amount of growth hormone naturally. It is also very useful for lesions, since in conjunction with somatomedin or IGF, it improves cartilage growth.
But this does not end here, it also helps us to gain a lot of strength while we train, in addition to doing aerobic exercise much easily, since as we have said, it improves the oxidation of fats as energy.
For again males and general users, you will notice more strength, greater resistance during training and a muscular size that increases day after day as you apply HGH injections/supplements.
Other benefits of Human Growth Hormone therapies includes:
More energy and stronger bones
Recent studies show that the human growth hormone treatment aimed at older adults is scientifically proven to improve strength, give more energy and improve human bone density. This hormonal treatment for acute adult deficiency is basically prescribed as a daily injection. It is one of the effective anti-aging treatments that is highly prescribed to most aging adults.
Higher production of HGH in the body
In addition to injection treatments, HGH products can help increase your own production of human growth hormone. These pills contain human growth hormone precursors that help allow your body to produce more of the same. These precursors are mainly proteins and amino acids that allow your pituitary gland to produce human growth hormone. HGH supplements are better preferred by a majority of aging people, due to their cost effectiveness, including the fact that in some cases, supplements can be as effective as injection treatments.
Guards against wrinkles and fine lines
Wrinkles and fine lines are among the main signs of maturity. With human growth hormone pills, anti-aging surgeries may not be needed because the human growth hormone therapies can effectively help control aging and facial skin tone. These pills have the ability to help activate protein synthesis, therefore, it helps the production of more elastin and collagen that help lessen the effects of facial wrinkles.
Normalizes blood pressure
HGH Pills and treatments of human growth hormone are also known for their ability to help normalize blood pressure. Human growth hormone pills can effectively provide aging adults with a sense of safety and tranquility. These pills can also help reduce anxiety and stress, which is a very common problem among older people. When we are free of pressure and anxiety, the blood pressure normalizes, thus, eliminating health problems related to stress.
Enhances brain function and stabilizes the immune system
Finally, human growth hormone treatments and pills are scientifically used to help improve our vision, immune system and brain functions. Therefore, it is very important for older people to take human growth hormone therapies, because they are the ones who are more likely to experience decay in these bodily conditions. Many studies show that human growth hormone injection treatments can significantly improve damaged brain neurons in older adults. In terms of vision, older women and men may have better eyesight if they have high levels of human growth hormone in their bodies. Since our eyes turn less flexible as we get older, treatments and human growth hormone pills are needed to help maintain the state of our sight. Also, human growth hormone is acclaimed to help repair DNA damage in our body, as it builds a more stable immune system. When damaged DNAs are not repaired, other body cells will also deteriorate, thus, resulting in weakened immunity among older adults.