Natural Brain Health

TOP 7 Natural Supplements to Improve Memory and Increase Brain Function!

Let’s face it, everyone can benefit from having a “better” brain.  Pretty much universally there is not one person who wishes they weren’t as smart as the next person.  Actually, most people would – if they could – take a supplement to improve their memory and increase brain function if they were offered one today.  Would you?

Now we aren’t getting any younger.  And as the years pass we seem to be forgetting more and more.  I know I am. Wouldn’t it be incredible to reverse time and go back to our younger days?

Imagine being able to easily remember names, faces, directions and numbers with no problem.
Imagine doing math as fast as a calculator and amazing your friends with your incredible brain.
Imagine being the “one with all the answers” at work or school.
Imagine studying less and memorizing more.
Imagine doing twice as much work in half the time.

Well, luckily for people like me and you, we don’t have to imagine as hard as we used to, because science has made some pretty remarkable discoveries in the last few years    Now I’m not talking about advancements in just prescription drugs, but in natural supplements.

So now the question is…  Are you ready to learn what the TOP 7 Natural Supplements that can improve memory and increase brain function are?

Well, here’s our list for the Top 7 Natural Supplements that’ll make you smarter:

St. John’s Wort:

For centuries people have been using Saint John’s Wort to treat anger, depression, moodiness and aggressiveness.  It’s a remarkable natural supplement. St. John’s Wort is a beautifully natural plant (some may call a weed) found throughout the world and is the most well-known for its ability to heighten mood and battle depression.  According to some studies it works just as well as some prescription anti-depressants, but it’s all natural.

The Benefits of St. John’s Wort Supplementation:

  • Anti-depressant
  • Heightens mood
  • Reduces anger
  • Reduces moodiness
  • Reduces aggressiveness
  • Promotes calm and relaxation
  • Reduces swelling and joint pain
  • Increase serotonin levels


Considered a building block of protein, Glutamine is an Amino Acid found naturally in our bodies already.  In our muscles to be exact. Its main function is the natural synthesis of proteins. And proteins are food for our muscles.  Which is why Glutamine is also used in the fitness industry as a muscle building supplement by body builders for example.

Glutamine has been shown to reduce the effects of nerve pain, joint swelling and muscle pain.  It has also been shown to aid in relieving the symptoms of digestive issues. And when it comes to your brain health, Glutamine is essential to your brains performance.

It has been shown to increase cognitive performance, improve memory and is beneficial in the treatment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) by increasing your concentration and focus.

The Benefits of Glutamine Supplementation:

  • Muscle building
  • Increase synthesis of protein
  • Reduces the effect of nerve pain
  • Reduces joint swelling
  • Relieves digestive issues
  • Increases cognitive performance
  • Improves Memory
  • Increases Focus
  • Increases Concentration
  • Promotes mental clarity for quicker learning


Now this supplement is a mouthful to pronounce, but Phosphatidylserine is an essential naturally occurring chemical proven to improve memory and increase brain function.  It does this because it is actually part of our body’s cell structure. And is responsible for cellular health and function especially in our brains.

So, this wonderful supplement is widely used in Alzheimer patients for its incredible ability to assist in brain cell maintenance and repair.  It may even help to prevent Alzheimer’s in the first place. Phosphatidylserine is an essential brain health supplement that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Phosphatidylserine Benefits:

  • Promotes healthy brain cells
  • Repairs brain function
  • Improves memory
  • Increases brain function
  • Relieves stress
  • Promotes the production of the brain’s neurotransmitters
  • Repairs brain tissue
  • Increases focus
  • Increases concentration

Bacopa Monnier

This natural herb can be found in the wet lands of India.  Also called Brahma, this amazing herb has for a millennium or two been used for its medicinal benefits.  It has shown to be affective at reducing joint pain and joint swelling acting as a natural pain killer.

It has been shown to assist in relieving the effects of Asthma and epilepsy.  And most importantly, for us, Bacopa Monnier has incredible positive affects on mental sharpness and cognitive abilities.  Studies have shown subjects have experienced improved memory while supplementing with Bacopa Monnier.

The Benefits of Bacopa Monnier (Brahma):

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Protects the brain from ageing
  • Improves memory
  • Increases cognitive abilities
  • Promotes mental sharpness
  • Learn faster
  • Improves attention
  • Increase focus and concentration
  • Boost brain function

Acetyl-L Carnitine

Also, a building block of protein, this amino acid called Acetyl-L Carnitine and is responsible for producing energy in our bodies.  By supplementing this amino acid, we can remarkably improve many functions is our lives that require energy – especially our cognitive abilities.

Acetyl-L Carnitine has been shown to be highly affective at improving memory in Alzheimer’s patients, head injury patients and – you guessed correct – the average person.

Acetyl-L Carnitine is a game changer when considering the impact, it has had on people who suffer from severe memory issues.  Now imagine how much this natural supplement will help boost your brain function.

The Benefits of Acetyl-L Carnitine:

  • Increases Energy production
  • Improves memory
  • Increases cognitive abilities
  • Promotes mental sharpness
  • Learn faster
  • Improves attention
  • Increase focus and concentration
  • Boost brain function

DMAE Bitartrate

This chemical found naturally in the body is essential to how our nervous system functions.  By assisting in the creation of neurotransmitters, DMAE Bitartrate has intensely powerful cognitive benefits.

These include improved memory and increased brain function. It is used with patients suffering from memory loss and memory issues.  When supplementing with DMAE it has been shown to drastically improve memory and brain function quickly.

The Benefits of DMAE Bitartrate:

  • Improves memory
  • Increases cognitive abilities
  • Promotes mental sharpness
  • Learn faster
  • Improves attention
  • Increase focus and concentration
  • Boost brain function

Ginkgo Biloba

And last but not least…  Ginkgo Biloba. This may be the most recognized natural supplement on our list.  It has been in use just as long as Brahma (above) and has absolutely incredible health benefits and brain health benefits.

Ginkgo Biloba is a natural herb derived from the leaves from the Chinese native – the Ginkgo tree.  Ginkgo Biloba has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, increase memory, boost cognitive function and repair the brain.  Not only that but it has also shown to slow down brain age. This is a remarkable brain health supplement, that anyone serious about their brain should consider using today.

The Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba:

  • Improves memory
  • Increases cognitive abilities
  • Promotes mental sharpness
  • Learn faster
  • Improves attention
  • Increase focus and concentration
  • Boost brain function

All Top 7 Natural Supplements in One Pill

Now, you could go out and buy each one of the Top 7 Natural Supplements to improve your memory and increase brain function individually if you wanted.  But it would be costly and who wants to take 7 more different pills each day. It sounds like a real pain. But – Good News – you don’t have to…

Because a wonderful brain health supplement company called BRAIN PILL has got it right!

By creating a perfect blend of natural supplements – optimized for the most benefit – with revolutionary nootropics – or patented Smart Drugs – they have changed the way average people like you and me (or is it I) think… Literally.

So, if you want to be smarter, improve memory and increase brain power while having exceptional results then follow the link below to learn more today…  Because the sooner you start the sooner your brain will benefit.

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